2023 Ksunu' Adventure Camp 嘎色鬧冒險營
Experience the world develop skills grow with each other
今年的暑假你想要怎麼度過? 【2023 Ksunu' Adventure Camp 嘎色鬧冒險營】來囉!歡迎大家號召同伴一起來嘎色鬧冒險一夏唷!
特聘美國經驗豐富營隊隊輔,原汁原味美國夏令營,透過多元的活動,培養學生行動力、語言力、關懷力、品格力、自學力、探索力,放下手機,好好地看見大自然中的動植物與生態,透過野外生活技能,鍛鍊孩子身心,培養個人成長能力 趕快來快來報名參加嘎色鬧冒險營,快樂一夏 !
特聘美國經驗豐富營隊隊輔,原汁原味美國夏令營,透過多元的活動,培養學生行動力、語言力、關懷力、品格力、自學力、探索力,放下手機,好好地看見大自然中的動植物與生態,透過野外生活技能,鍛鍊孩子身心,培養個人成長能力 趕快來快來報名參加嘎色鬧冒險營,快樂一夏 !
營隊藉由奎輝國小嘎色鬧分校進行『Ksunu' Adventure Camp 嘎色鬧冒險營』。
在嘎色鬧冒險營 ,學員都能從多元的活動項目中探索自我,找到自己發揮的舞台,在團體中找到自己的定位,創造個人價值;在大自然寬闊的場域,跳脫平常生活的框架,培養獨立自主的能力、打開好奇的本能天賦!
團隊合作 - 搭帳野炊、大地遊戲、定向活動、生火、自然知識,分工合作,團隊默契配合,混齡的組合更能訓練溝通,進而提升團隊價值。
突破框架 - 在大自然環境裏,不同的主題活動,戶外尋寶、山林探險,在每一條岔路的抉擇,訓練團隊跳出框架的思考模式。
面對挑戰 - 小隊生存競賽、技能挑戰、團體障礙賽,讓大腦跟感官同時大解放,活躍腦袋增加行動力。
敏銳觀察 - 一個一個任務,要獨立自理、求生冒險,遇到難關該怎麼做?在小隊裡透過共同解決遊戲謎題,在有限的資源、仔細觀察,在每一次的問題解決中,學習新能力感受新自信。
正向動力 - 在團隊養成中,激發內在更高自我的責任與榮譽,轉化對恐懼事物的舊觀感,不斷累積正向經驗值,讓正向積極的態度自然而然的產生,成就感一波接一波。
團隊合作 - 搭帳野炊、大地遊戲、定向活動、生火、自然知識,分工合作,團隊默契配合,混齡的組合更能訓練溝通,進而提升團隊價值。
突破框架 - 在大自然環境裏,不同的主題活動,戶外尋寶、山林探險,在每一條岔路的抉擇,訓練團隊跳出框架的思考模式。
面對挑戰 - 小隊生存競賽、技能挑戰、團體障礙賽,讓大腦跟感官同時大解放,活躍腦袋增加行動力。
敏銳觀察 - 一個一個任務,要獨立自理、求生冒險,遇到難關該怎麼做?在小隊裡透過共同解決遊戲謎題,在有限的資源、仔細觀察,在每一次的問題解決中,學習新能力感受新自信。
正向動力 - 在團隊養成中,激發內在更高自我的責任與榮譽,轉化對恐懼事物的舊觀感,不斷累積正向經驗值,讓正向積極的態度自然而然的產生,成就感一波接一波。
2023 Ksunu' Adventure Camp 嘎色鬧冒險營課表
2023 Ksunu' Adventure Camp 嘎色鬧冒險營活動內容
Tent pitching race: a competitive event where students have to pitch a tent as quickly as possible in their group. The goal is to be the first to set up a functional tent.
Making tie-dye shirts is a fun and creative activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and creates beautiful shirts your student will be able to wear for camp.
Whittling soap involves using a bar of soap and a knife to create various shapes and designs. The soap is softer and easier to work with than wood, making it a great option for beginners. It's a fun and creative activity that improves your knife skills and can be done anywhere
削肥皂活動是使用一塊肥皂和一把刀來創造各種形狀和設計。 肥皂比木頭更柔軟,更容易使用,是初學者的絕佳選擇。 這是一項有趣且富有創意的活動,可以提高您的刀具技能,並且可以在任何地方進行。
Lashing is the process of tying together two or more poles or sticks to create a structure.
Leather working is the art of creating objects from leather, using various techniques such as cutting, stitching, and tooling.
Making Bracelets out of embroidery floss, with many strands of floss braiding and or knotting them together to create a bracelet. The floss can be knotted onto a clasp or tied in a loop to create a slip-on bracelet. This can be customized with different colors and designs.
用繡花線製作手鐲,用多股線線編織或將它們打結在一起以製作手鐲。 可以將線打結在扣環上或系成一個環,形成套戴式手鍊, 可以用不同的顏色和設計,做一個屬於自己的手環。
Orienteering is a sport where you use a map and compass to navigate through an outdoor course with checkpoints.
Skits: Students with their group will be writing and performing a short, comedic play with a specific theme or storyline.
Stargazing is the activity of observing the stars, planets, and other celestial objects in the night sky. We will be learning how to identify constellations.
Physical obstacle course challenging, structured set of physical activities to challenge students strength, agility, endurance, and overall fitness.
The Skills Race will be a combination of skills learned, such as tent pitching, fire building, orienteering, etc. putting teams to the test to challenge what they learned throughout the week.
Anti-gravity Pole and Spider Web are two activities that will challenge teams to learn to work together.
Water Activities will allow time for students to build their own rocket and launch it. And in another activity using s sling to launch water balloons.
夏日水戰活動將讓學生有時間建造並發射自己的火箭。 而在另一項活動中將使用吊帶發射水氣球,互相競賽。
Making tie-dye shirts is a fun and creative activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and creates beautiful shirts your student will be able to wear for camp.
Whittling soap involves using a bar of soap and a knife to create various shapes and designs. The soap is softer and easier to work with than wood, making it a great option for beginners. It's a fun and creative activity that improves your knife skills and can be done anywhere
削肥皂活動是使用一塊肥皂和一把刀來創造各種形狀和設計。 肥皂比木頭更柔軟,更容易使用,是初學者的絕佳選擇。 這是一項有趣且富有創意的活動,可以提高您的刀具技能,並且可以在任何地方進行。
Lashing is the process of tying together two or more poles or sticks to create a structure.
Leather working is the art of creating objects from leather, using various techniques such as cutting, stitching, and tooling.
Making Bracelets out of embroidery floss, with many strands of floss braiding and or knotting them together to create a bracelet. The floss can be knotted onto a clasp or tied in a loop to create a slip-on bracelet. This can be customized with different colors and designs.
用繡花線製作手鐲,用多股線線編織或將它們打結在一起以製作手鐲。 可以將線打結在扣環上或系成一個環,形成套戴式手鍊, 可以用不同的顏色和設計,做一個屬於自己的手環。
Orienteering is a sport where you use a map and compass to navigate through an outdoor course with checkpoints.
Skits: Students with their group will be writing and performing a short, comedic play with a specific theme or storyline.
Stargazing is the activity of observing the stars, planets, and other celestial objects in the night sky. We will be learning how to identify constellations.
Physical obstacle course challenging, structured set of physical activities to challenge students strength, agility, endurance, and overall fitness.
The Skills Race will be a combination of skills learned, such as tent pitching, fire building, orienteering, etc. putting teams to the test to challenge what they learned throughout the week.
Anti-gravity Pole and Spider Web are two activities that will challenge teams to learn to work together.
Water Activities will allow time for students to build their own rocket and launch it. And in another activity using s sling to launch water balloons.
夏日水戰活動將讓學生有時間建造並發射自己的火箭。 而在另一項活動中將使用吊帶發射水氣球,互相競賽。
2023 Ksunu' Adventure Camp 嘎色鬧冒險營費用與資訊
- 營隊日期:第一梯次:112年07月03日 ~ 112年07月07日
- 營隊人數:每梯 限額80名
- 招生對象: 12~17歲
- 營隊費用:NT $ 15,800 / 人 (包含師資、課程設計、營隊教材,活動耗材、住宿、三餐+點心、保險、交通(往返固定車站)等費用)。
- 營隊師資:特聘美國經驗豐富營隊隊輔,營隊原汁原味美國夏令營。
- 課程設計:由美國資深野外營隊教練為台灣學子量身訂製活動,並帶領美國隊輔團隊。
- 營隊教材:除了美國空運來台教材及耗材之外,亦加入台灣本地耗材。
- 住宿:嘎色鬧獵人學校營隊宿舍及帳篷野宿。
- 三餐及點心:除了野外烹飪比賽之外,三餐由專業廚師料理。
- 保險:全員投保200萬意外險。
- 交通:設計新竹車站及桃園車站,免費接送學生往返嘎色鬧營地。
- 安全:夜間巡邏員設置,確保營地安全。
- 醫療:與奎輝醫療站連線,確保學員在發生意外時,護理人員能立即處理。
( 6/20前報名繳費學員優惠2000元) |
報名優惠2000元 |
3. 於開課日前第二十日至第二日前提出退費申請者,退還當期開班約定繳納費用總額百分之七十。
4. 於開課日前一日提出退費申請者,退還當期開班約定繳納費用總額百分之五十。
5. 營隊開始後(含開課當日及提早離營),恕無法辦理退費。
3. 於開課日前第二十日至第二日前提出退費申請者,退還當期開班約定繳納費用總額百分之七十。
4. 於開課日前一日提出退費申請者,退還當期開班約定繳納費用總額百分之五十。
5. 營隊開始後(含開課當日及提早離營),恕無法辦理退費。
Camp Coach Tiffany
Hi my name is Tiffany. I love doing everything outdoors! I’ve coached high school track and teach many forms of fitness classes. I’m excited to be with you this summer! |
Camp Leader Connor
Hi! I’m Conner, I’m 23 years old and I love the outdoors! As a Boy Scout, I learned to love hiking, swimming, kayaking, fishing, woodcarving, and wilderness survival. I’ll see you this summer! |
Camp Leader Kimber
Hi, I’m Kimber! I enjoy hiking, being creative, and spending time outside traveling and enjoying the beautiful world. I’m excited to learn together this summer in Taiwan! |
Camp Leader Fletcher
Hi, I’m Fletcher! I always love to be in the outdoors. As an Eagle Scout I’ve learned to do many fun activities such as hiking, star gazing, and camp cooking. I can’t wait to meet you to show how it can improve yours! |
Camp Leader Jonny
Hello everyone! My name is Jonny. I love being outdoors and connecting with nature has been a big part of my life. I look forward to having fun and learning more about the outdoors together! |
Camp Leader Kylee
Hi, I’m Kylee! I love to dance, play the piano, and being outside! I can’t wait to visit Taiwan and have memorable experiences with you! |
Camp Leader James
Hi, I am James! I love soccer, tennis, and basketball. I am also an Eagle Scout and have a strong passion for scouts. I look forward to teaching you the same things that have enriched my life! |
Camp Leader Nathaniel
Hello! My name is Nathaniel and I love to spend time outside. I enjoy running, camping, backpacking, and exploring nature. I am excited to share some of that experience with you here in Taiwan! |
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