2023年新北市與美國高中生 偏鄉服務交流活動 - 汐止國 中
Taiwan Service Tour New Taipei Municipal Xi Zhi Junior High School
活動日期: 2023 / 7 / 3 ~ 2023 / 7/ 4
活動地點: 汐止國中
活動地點: 汐止國中
美國高中生隊輔-Jaden Crane
This service tour has been a great experience for both groups of students. Spending time with them has taught us so much about Taiwanese culture. We had such a pleasant time teaching the students new phrases and the general understanding of our language. Overall, we had an amazing time, and this trip has given us experiences that we will never forget.
This service tour has been a great experience for both groups of students. Spending time with them has taught us so much about Taiwanese culture. We had such a pleasant time teaching the students new phrases and the general understanding of our language. Overall, we had an amazing time, and this trip has given us experiences that we will never forget.